How long does shipping take?

Please allow a processing time of 3-5 business days unless it is a pre order item. Shipping will be based off the courier and all orders will receive a tracking number. 

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we do, you may be subject to your local customs charge. Additional to your shipping fee.


Do you offer returns?

We do not offer returns or refunds, all sales are final.

Route Package Protection

My package was stolen, damaged, or lost what do I do?

We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments once they leave our facility. 

We offer Route Package Protection at check out. If you have purchased, you’re covered!

Please file a claim with Route no more than 14 days after the initial delivery date. 

Click Here

If you opted out of Route Package Protection you will need to file a claim directly with the shipping carrier


What currency is your store in?


What payment options do you accept?

Credit | Debit Card | PayPal | Shop Pay | Zip Pay | Afterpay